Matan Abudy

Writing On Pause

During August, I participated in the Blaugust blogging challenge. I’ll admit I didn’t quite follow all the guidelines, but I mostly used it as a way to improve my writing habits and write more within a community.

It was an interesting journey! I nearly doubled(!) the number of posts on this blog, wrote about a variety of topics (check out my favorites below), and felt like I was reaching new audiences. It seemed like people were actually reading my stuff (and despite common opinions around the IndieWeb, I do care when people read my blog).

When August ended, I took a break from writing. It wasn’t intentional, but I think it was due to two things: the end of the challenge, which left me needing a bit of a breather, and the fact that I quit my job, which shook up my life and routine quite a bit.

I’ve been wanting to get back to writing for about a week now, and I’m finally sitting down to make it happen. I hope to get back into the habit—I've missed it, and I want it to be a regular part of my routine again.

In the meantime, if this is your first time stumbling upon my blog, here are some of my recent favorites from Blaugust: