Late into the Blaugust 2024 Party
I’ve been on-and-off sick lately due to my curious incident of the bat at morning-time and the side effects of the rabies vaccine. I didn’t have a chance to read many posts from my RSS feeds, but from what I did see, the term “Blaugust” kept coming up. Two days ago, I received my last vaccine dose. I felt quite sick afterward, but now I’m almost back to my usual self.
So, I read more about this Blaugust and found out that this blogging challenge has been active for more than a decade! It's all about encouraging people to post more and engage together as a blogging community, and I love it. Since I got to the party late, I missed the first part of "Welcome to Blaugust Week” and jumped straight into "Introduce Yourself Week”. So, this post is a bit of a combination of both.
So, who am I? I’m Matan. I'm a 28-year-old graduate student in computational linguistics, and I started this blog a little over a month ago after moving from Jekyll to Bear and looking for a way to start writing more and have a place to throw all my thoughts.
I finished my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Linguistics last year and went straight into my Master’s. I’m really fascinated by my research topics, using computational models and power to learn and understand the human mind and language (just writing about it now excites me). I really hope to write about some of these topics at some point on this blog.
I hope this Blaugust challenge will make me post more. Since I was sick, I’m cutting myself a bit of slack and hoping it will only get better from here.