Matan Abudy

What is an authentic blog post?

Loren talks about blogging challenges in his recent post. A short and concise post questioning the quality of posts which are posted as part of a challenge - are they "spontaneous" and "authentic" or are they written to meet a daily challenge?

I liked that post. I like posts that spark discussions1, that make you question what is right, and this post indeed made me think. However, in this case it made me think that I do not agree with his opinion, on somewhat of a basic level.

First of all - "spontaneous" is not a core value to me. Sometimes I write spontaneous posts (just like this one) and sometimes I write about something I have planned to write about for a long time and didn't have time for until now. A post not being spontaneous doesn't mean it's not a good post.

Secondly - I'm not sure I can even define what an authentic blog post is. If I'm participating in a blogging challenge, and I write daily about stuff that I care about, about thoughts or insights I have during the day, what's not authentic about it? The fact that I was pushed to write them as part of the challenge? For me, that's the whole point!

I have a hard time making writing a habit, always wondering if my writing is good enough to publish, and the daily challenge pushes me to be a better writer.

I'll end this post with the great closing words of Loren's post - Just my opinion!

  1. JCProbably also wrote a wonderful reply post I enjoyed reading and agreed with almost every word