Keep a List of Blog Post Ideas
Before starting this blog, I felt like there was so much I wanted to write about. I had tons of topics and ideas I wanted to discuss—stuff I wanted to get out of my head and turn into unique posts and insights.
But I knew that writing is hard, and that I wouldn’t always feel this way, so the first thing I did was open a new markdown file called "Blog Post Ideas" and just jot down all the ideas I had in a bulleted list.
I committed to writing down every idea that came to me over the coming weeks. That way, whenever I felt like writing but didn’t have a topic in mind, I could just open this file and choose what felt right.
This turned out to be a really helpful method for keeping me writing while still keeping my writing authentic. I’ve found myself returning to this file numerous times, looking for something to write, knowing I probably had some really good ideas in the past that I just couldn’t remember.