Matan Abudy

I Have a Guestbook! And I Want You to Write in It

It’s been almost a month since I moved to Bear as a new start for my blogging journey, and I couldn’t be happier. I love its simplicity and the options for customization. I love getting discovered through the discovery feeds.

I also love the adrenaline rush of new visits to my website and seeing how many people read my posts. It’s not about the number of people who read my random thoughts; it’s the fact that someone is reading.

I always write first for myself, to let out my thoughts and organize them into coherent insights. But I also write (and read) to connect with others. Just as I feel a bit more connected to people when I read their blogs (hopefully doing it right), I hope that people feel the same with my writing.

Yesterday, I saw a guestbook on Yordi’s website. I loved the idea – it’s not a comments section, which can be a bit of a mess, but rather a small option for people to say, “Hi! I’ve visited your blog and it’s cool.”

The guestbook backend itself is built by Meadow, which I discovered only through the guestbook (and I immediately subscribed via RSS). It is open-source, simple, and beautiful. It just connected seamlessly with the ideology of keeping blogging simple and for the people. I love it.

So, I have a guestbook! If you feel like it, I would love to see your visits there. If not, feel free to keep reading silently; I love that as well!